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The Pact REST API provides endpoints that enable you to execute contract functions, test transactions locally, submit transactions to the blockchain, and retrieve transactions results.

You can access Pact REST API endpoints in two different ways:

  • By using the Pact API endpoints that are exposed by Chainweb nodes through the Chainweb service API.
  • By using the Pact API endpoints that are exposed locally through the Pact built-in HTTP server.

Regardless of the method you use to access Pact endpoints, the core functionality is the same. However, the URLs you use to route API requests to each set of endpoints are different. This section describes the Pact API endpoints that are exposed through the Chainweb service API. You can also find documentation for these Pact endpoints, including sample requests and responses, in the Pact OpenAPI specification. For documentation about the Pact API endpoints that are exposed through the Pact built-in HTTP server, see Pact command-line interpreter.

Simulate a transaction

Use the POST http://{baseUrl}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/local/ endpoint to submit a command to simulate the execution of a transaction. Requests sent to the /local endpoint don't change the blockchain state. Any database writes or changes to the environment are rolled back. You can use this type of call to perform a node-local “dirty read” for testing purposes or as a dry-run to validate a transaction. The request body must contain a properly-formatted Pact command. In response to the request, the endpoint returns the command result and hash.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to submit the command on the first chain (0), the request is POST http://{baseURL}/chain/0/pact/api/v1/local.

Query parameters

preflightbooleanTrigger a fully-gassed mainnet transaction execution simulation and transaction metadata validation.
rewindDepthinteger >= 0Rewind transaction execution environment by a specified number of block heights.
signatureVerificationbooleanRequire user signature verification when validating the transaction metadata.

Request body schema

cmd (required)stringStringified JSON payload object with signed transaction data that can't be modified.
hash (required)stringAn unpadded base64Url-encoded string created using the Blake2s-256 hash function for the cmd field value. Serves as a command request key because each transaction must be unique.
sigs (required)Array of objectsList of signatures corresponding one-to-one with the signers array in the payload.


Requests to POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/local return the following response codes:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body includes either the command results or the preflight results.

  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request failed. The response returns text/plain content with information about why the command couldn't be executed. For example, the response might indicate that the command wasn't executed because the request body specified an invalid gas payer, was missing required metadata, or there were other environment issues.

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following information:

reqKey (required)stringUnique identifier for the Pact transaction. The transaction hash is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set.
result (required)objectSuccess (object) or Failure (object).
txIdnumberDatabase-internal transaction tracking identifier.
logs (required)stringBackend-specific value providing an image of database logs.
metaData (required)objectMetadata included with the transaction.
eventsArray of objectsArray of event objects.
continuationobjectDescribes the result of a defpact execution.
gas (required)numberGas required to execute the transaction.

If you specify the preflight query parameter, the command results include the following additional parameters:

preflightResult (required)objectThe result of attempting to execute a single well-formed Pact command.
preflightWarnings (required)Array of stringsA list of warnings associated with deprecated features in upcoming Pact releases.


You can send a request to the Kadena test network and chain 1 by calling the /local endpoint like this:


The request body for this example looks like this:

{"cmd":"{\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\",\"clist\":[{\"name\":\"coin.TRANSFER\",\"args\":[\"k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\",\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\",3]},{\"name\":\"coin.GAS\",\"args\":[]}]}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":1726525836,\"ttl\":32441,\"chainId\":\"1\",\"gasPrice\":1.9981e-7,\"gasLimit\":2320,\"sender\":\"k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\"},\"nonce\":\"chainweaver\",\"networkId\":\"testnet04\",\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"code\":\"(coin.transfer \\\"k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\\\" \\\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\\\" 3.0)\",\"data\":null}}}","hash":"SLiinT5fAv8eCixT9qwbBHZgO4HxVB-p5rYyt_AxG94","sigs":[{"sig":"34de39e545f03116e7c8c1150e62be29874e0efd0e24ea906cb6cbd5adef28b137c01a85ac883489c7757f9335276ec360734ff74d98e195079d391a9105020d"}]}
{"cmd":"{\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\",\"clist\":[{\"name\":\"coin.TRANSFER\",\"args\":[\"k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\",\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\",3]},{\"name\":\"coin.GAS\",\"args\":[]}]}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":1726525836,\"ttl\":32441,\"chainId\":\"1\",\"gasPrice\":1.9981e-7,\"gasLimit\":2320,\"sender\":\"k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\"},\"nonce\":\"chainweaver\",\"networkId\":\"testnet04\",\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"code\":\"(coin.transfer \\\"k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4\\\" \\\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\\\" 3.0)\",\"data\":null}}}","hash":"SLiinT5fAv8eCixT9qwbBHZgO4HxVB-p5rYyt_AxG94","sigs":[{"sig":"34de39e545f03116e7c8c1150e62be29874e0efd0e24ea906cb6cbd5adef28b137c01a85ac883489c7757f9335276ec360734ff74d98e195079d391a9105020d"}]}

The request returns command results similar to the following:

{    "gas": 509,    "result": {        "status": "success",        "data": "Write succeeded"    },    "reqKey": "SLiinT5fAv8eCixT9qwbBHZgO4HxVB-p5rYyt_AxG94",    "logs": "wsATyGqckuIvlm89hhd2j4t6RMkCrcwJe_oeCYr7Th8",    "events": [        {            "params": [                "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4",                "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                3            ],            "name": "TRANSFER",            "module": {                "namespace": null,                "name": "coin"            },            "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"        }    ],    "metaData": {        "publicMeta": {            "creationTime": 1726525836,            "ttl": 32441,            "gasLimit": 2320,            "chainId": "1",            "gasPrice": 1.9981e-7,            "sender": "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4"        },        "blockTime": 1726526473352615,        "prevBlockHash": "ubbt1utj-jVkNwAVCbqYduESQVlJwWwSipJOrRlXJJg",        "blockHeight": 4651215    },    "continuation": null,    "txId": null}
{    "gas": 509,    "result": {        "status": "success",        "data": "Write succeeded"    },    "reqKey": "SLiinT5fAv8eCixT9qwbBHZgO4HxVB-p5rYyt_AxG94",    "logs": "wsATyGqckuIvlm89hhd2j4t6RMkCrcwJe_oeCYr7Th8",    "events": [        {            "params": [                "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4",                "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                3            ],            "name": "TRANSFER",            "module": {                "namespace": null,                "name": "coin"            },            "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"        }    ],    "metaData": {        "publicMeta": {            "creationTime": 1726525836,            "ttl": 32441,            "gasLimit": 2320,            "chainId": "1",            "gasPrice": 1.9981e-7,            "sender": "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4"        },        "blockTime": 1726526473352615,        "prevBlockHash": "ubbt1utj-jVkNwAVCbqYduESQVlJwWwSipJOrRlXJJg",        "blockHeight": 4651215    },    "continuation": null,    "txId": null}

You can specify the preflight query parameter in the API request like this:


The request returns preflight results similar to the following:

{    "preflightResult": {        "gas": 734,        "result": {            "status": "success",            "data": "Write succeeded"        },        "reqKey": "SLiinT5fAv8eCixT9qwbBHZgO4HxVB-p5rYyt_AxG94",        "logs": "aN6GME-Oea_smnQOrTozgww0Z81WFu_u3env3k8ksEc",        "events": [            {                "params": [                    "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4",                    "NoMiner",                    1.4666054e-4                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            },            {                "params": [                    "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4",                    "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                    3                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            }        ],        "metaData": {            "publicMeta": {                "creationTime": 1726525836,                "ttl": 32441,                "gasLimit": 2320,                "chainId": "1",                "gasPrice": 1.9981e-7,                "sender": "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4"            },            "blockTime": 1726526253258103,            "prevBlockHash": "jQi8HNy73w1JxjdqTkkJnFZW7_lGYo2eHEmqxKNUBsM",            "blockHeight": 4651209        },        "continuation": null,        "txId": 6476127    },    "preflightWarnings": []}
{    "preflightResult": {        "gas": 734,        "result": {            "status": "success",            "data": "Write succeeded"        },        "reqKey": "SLiinT5fAv8eCixT9qwbBHZgO4HxVB-p5rYyt_AxG94",        "logs": "aN6GME-Oea_smnQOrTozgww0Z81WFu_u3env3k8ksEc",        "events": [            {                "params": [                    "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4",                    "NoMiner",                    1.4666054e-4                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            },            {                "params": [                    "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4",                    "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                    3                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            }        ],        "metaData": {            "publicMeta": {                "creationTime": 1726525836,                "ttl": 32441,                "gasLimit": 2320,                "chainId": "1",                "gasPrice": 1.9981e-7,                "sender": "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4"            },            "blockTime": 1726526253258103,            "prevBlockHash": "jQi8HNy73w1JxjdqTkkJnFZW7_lGYo2eHEmqxKNUBsM",            "blockHeight": 4651209        },        "continuation": null,        "txId": 6476127    },    "preflightWarnings": []}

Send commands to be executed

Use the POST http://{baseUrl}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/send endpoint to submit one or more public unencrypted Pact commands to the blockchain for execution.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to submit the command on the first chain (0), the request is POST http://{baseURL}/chain/0/pact/api/v1/send.

Request body schema

Content type: application/json

cmds (required)Array of objectsSpecifies an array of individual Pact command objects.


Requests to POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/send return the following response codes:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body includes the request keys for each command successfully submitted.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request failed. The response returns text/plain content with information about why the command couldn't be submitted for execution. For example, the response might indicate that the command wasn't executed because the request body specified an invalid gas payer, was missing required metadata, or there were other environment issues.

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following information:

requestKeys (required)Array of stringsEach request key is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set. You can use these request keys with the poll or listen endpoints to retrieve transaction results.


You can send a request to the Kadena test network and chain 1 by calling the /send endpoint like this:


The request body for this example looks like this:

{    "cmds": [        {          "cmd":"{\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\",\"clist\":[{\"name\":\"coin.TRANSFER\",\"args\":[\"k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\",\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\",2]},{\"name\":\"coin.GAS\",\"args\":[]}]}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":1726775463,\"ttl\":35628,\"chainId\":\"1\",\"gasPrice\":7.993e-8,\"gasLimit\":2320,\"sender\":\"k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\"},\"nonce\":\"chainweaver\",\"networkId\":\"testnet04\",\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"code\":\"(coin.transfer \\\"k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\\\" \\\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\\\" 2.0)\",\"data\":null}}}","hash":"vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo","sigs":[            {"sig":"cf0c345d06c251a34082ac95d06e34e9e96593799f18e743c8094de063c297bfbab5ec40a074e9ba257a32692cb6e7edf055f5abe8861c3b51150117736c5d0c"}          ]        }    ]}
{    "cmds": [        {          "cmd":"{\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\",\"clist\":[{\"name\":\"coin.TRANSFER\",\"args\":[\"k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\",\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\",2]},{\"name\":\"coin.GAS\",\"args\":[]}]}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":1726775463,\"ttl\":35628,\"chainId\":\"1\",\"gasPrice\":7.993e-8,\"gasLimit\":2320,\"sender\":\"k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\"},\"nonce\":\"chainweaver\",\"networkId\":\"testnet04\",\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"code\":\"(coin.transfer \\\"k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c\\\" \\\"k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0\\\" 2.0)\",\"data\":null}}}","hash":"vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo","sigs":[            {"sig":"cf0c345d06c251a34082ac95d06e34e9e96593799f18e743c8094de063c297bfbab5ec40a074e9ba257a32692cb6e7edf055f5abe8861c3b51150117736c5d0c"}          ]        }    ]}

This API request returns the request key for the transaction:

{    "requestKeys": [        "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo"    ]}
{    "requestKeys": [        "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo"    ]}

You can use the request key returned to poll or listen for the transaction results.

Poll for transaction results

Use the POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/poll endpoint to check for one or more command results by request key.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to submit the command on the first chain (0), the request is POST http://{baseURL}/chain/0/pact/api/v1/poll.

Query parameters

confirmationDepthinteger >= 0Configures how many blocks should be mined before the requested transaction results should be considered to be confirmed.

Request body schema

requestKeys (required)Array of stringsEach request key is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set.


Requests to POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/poll return the following response codes:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body includes the transaction results.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request failed. The response returns text/plain content with information about why the request failed. For example, the response might indicate that the command wasn't executed because the request body specified an invalid gas payer, was missing required metadata, or there were other environment issues.

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following information for one or more of the request keys included in the request.

gas (required)numberGas consumed by the transaction.
result (required)objectSuccess (object) or Failure (object).
reqKey (required)stringUnique identifier for the Pact transaction. The transaction hash is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set.
logs (required)stringBackend-specific value providing image of database logs.
eventsArray of objectArray of event objects.
metaData (required)objectMetadata included with the transaction.
continuationobjectDescribes the result of a defpact execution.
txIdnumberDatabase-internal transaction tracking identifier.


You can send a request to the Kadena test network and chain 1 by calling the /poll endpoint like this:


For this example, the request body specifies one request key:

{    "requestKeys": [        "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo"    ]}   
{    "requestKeys": [        "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo"    ]}   

This request returns the following results:

{    "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo": {        "gas": 734,        "result": {            "status": "success",            "data": "Write succeeded"        },        "reqKey": "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo",        "logs": "TtlN_14Khzk6GhEx6JeeQsyPgeJ9ksGtFiA8-_DxGiA",        "events": [            {                "params": [                    "k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c",                    "k:db776793be0fcf8e76c75bdb35a36e67f298111dc6145c66693b0133192e2616",                    5.866862e-5                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            },            {                "params": [                    "k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c",                    "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                    2                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            }        ],        "metaData": {            "blockTime": 1726775907743891,            "prevBlockHash": "svYRszu1KyeVIWNZOdPNoVBrU6w6-ETm_xXwx4YiHmk",            "blockHash": "RgFXHrn4NESENpvwG1zWqJu_UloVLg6FAsdDK-oev-I",            "blockHeight": 4659524        },        "continuation": null,        "txId": 6485407    }}
{    "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo": {        "gas": 734,        "result": {            "status": "success",            "data": "Write succeeded"        },        "reqKey": "vnelRuUfVvSGOu7Lczv1MluELMICdPrBaevJzKOj-oo",        "logs": "TtlN_14Khzk6GhEx6JeeQsyPgeJ9ksGtFiA8-_DxGiA",        "events": [            {                "params": [                    "k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c",                    "k:db776793be0fcf8e76c75bdb35a36e67f298111dc6145c66693b0133192e2616",                    5.866862e-5                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            },            {                "params": [                    "k:58705e8699678bd15bbda2cf40fa236694895db614aafc82cf1c06c014ca963c",                    "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                    2                ],                "name": "TRANSFER",                "module": {                    "namespace": null,                    "name": "coin"                },                "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"            }        ],        "metaData": {            "blockTime": 1726775907743891,            "prevBlockHash": "svYRszu1KyeVIWNZOdPNoVBrU6w6-ETm_xXwx4YiHmk",            "blockHash": "RgFXHrn4NESENpvwG1zWqJu_UloVLg6FAsdDK-oev-I",            "blockHeight": 4659524        },        "continuation": null,        "txId": 6485407    }}

Listen for transaction results

Use the POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/listen endpoint to submit a blocking request for the results of a single transaction.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to submit the command on the first chain (0), the request is POST http://{baseURL}/chain/0/pact/api/v1/listen.

Request body schema

listen (required)stringUnique identifier for the Pact transaction. The transaction hash is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set.


Requests to POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/listen return the following response codes:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body includes the transaction results.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request failed. The response returns text/plain content with information about why the request failed. For example, the response might indicate that the command wasn't executed because the request body specified an invalid gas payer, was missing required metadata, or there were other environment issues.

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following information for one or more of the request keys included in the request.

gas (required)numberGas consumed by the transaction.
result (required)objectSuccess (object) or Failure (object).
reqKey (required)stringUnique identifier for the Pact transaction. The transaction hash is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set.
logs (required)stringBackend-specific value providing image of database logs.
eventsArray of objectArray of event objects.
metaData (required)objectMetadata included with the transaction.
continuationobjectDescribes the result of a defpact execution.
txIdnumberDatabase-internal transaction tracking identifier.


You can send a request to the Kadena test network and chain 1 by calling the /listen endpoint like this:


For this example, the request body specifies one request key to listen for:

{    "listen": "qTDh3o3Gp3rQI2XVzptSA5BwvT6w28B1RvSuHmNXtN4"}
{    "listen": "qTDh3o3Gp3rQI2XVzptSA5BwvT6w28B1RvSuHmNXtN4"}

This request returns the following results:

{    "gas": 710,    "result": {        "status": "success",        "data": "Write succeeded"    },    "reqKey": "qTDh3o3Gp3rQI2XVzptSA5BwvT6w28B1RvSuHmNXtN4",    "logs": "9BUxMgwkYJFU7fVAEfJKLYLEqx1gXdpwd-tSZhJRh3A",    "events": [        {            "params": [                "LG-testnet",                "k:db776793be0fcf8e76c75bdb35a36e67f298111dc6145c66693b0133192e2616",                5.67503e-5            ],            "name": "TRANSFER",            "module": {                "namespace": null,                "name": "coin"            },            "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"        },        {            "params": [                "LG-testnet",                "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                2            ],            "name": "TRANSFER",            "module": {                "namespace": null,                "name": "coin"            },            "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"        }    ],    "metaData": {        "blockTime": 1726778344125192,        "prevBlockHash": "zCvrrJrucuPgd9vY8cXbVn7GMjO9j-SsupGUMZ8gpoI",        "blockHash": "TpmPSutW06KQ5_0kdrvbIAFdFZQSRlUYWnNBjt1mOGc",        "blockHeight": 4659605    },    "continuation": null,    "txId": 6485506}
{    "gas": 710,    "result": {        "status": "success",        "data": "Write succeeded"    },    "reqKey": "qTDh3o3Gp3rQI2XVzptSA5BwvT6w28B1RvSuHmNXtN4",    "logs": "9BUxMgwkYJFU7fVAEfJKLYLEqx1gXdpwd-tSZhJRh3A",    "events": [        {            "params": [                "LG-testnet",                "k:db776793be0fcf8e76c75bdb35a36e67f298111dc6145c66693b0133192e2616",                5.67503e-5            ],            "name": "TRANSFER",            "module": {                "namespace": null,                "name": "coin"            },            "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"        },        {            "params": [                "LG-testnet",                "k:4fe7981d36997c2a327d0d3ce961d3ae0b2d38185ac5e5cd98ad90140bc284d0",                2            ],            "name": "TRANSFER",            "module": {                "namespace": null,                "name": "coin"            },            "moduleHash": "klFkrLfpyLW-M3xjVPSdqXEMgxPPJibRt_D6qiBws6s"        }    ],    "metaData": {        "blockTime": 1726778344125192,        "prevBlockHash": "zCvrrJrucuPgd9vY8cXbVn7GMjO9j-SsupGUMZ8gpoI",        "blockHash": "TpmPSutW06KQ5_0kdrvbIAFdFZQSRlUYWnNBjt1mOGc",        "blockHeight": 4659605    },    "continuation": null,    "txId": 6485506}

Send a private Pact command

Use the POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/private endpoint for asynchronous submission of a single command transmitted with end-to-end encryption between addressed entity nodes. Private payload metadata is required.

Request body schema

cmd (required)stringStringified JSON payload object with signed transaction data that can't be modified.
hash (required)stringAn unpadded base64Url-encoded string created using the Blake2s-256 hash function for the cmd field value. Serves as a command request key because each transaction must be unique.
sigs (required)Array of objectsList of signatures corresponding one-to-one with the signers array in the payload.


Requests to POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/private return the following response codes:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body includes the command results.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request failed. The response returns text/plain content with information about why the request failed. For example, the response might indicate that the command wasn't executed because the request body specified an invalid gas payer, was missing required metadata, or there were other environment issues.

If the request is successful and the command is accepted, the response returns application/json content with the following information:

requestKeys (required)Array of stringsUnique identifier for the Pact transaction. The transaction hash is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set. You can use the request key to call the poll or listen endpoint to retrieve results.

Fetch a simple payment verification (spv)

Use the POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/spv endpoint to issue a blocking request to fetch a simple payment verification (spv) proof of a cross-chain transaction. The request must be sent to the chain where the transaction initiated.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to submit the command on the first chain (0), the request is POST http://{baseURL}/chain/0/pact/api/v1/spv.

Request body schema

requestKey (required)stringRequest key for the first step in a cross-chain transaction. This request key is the transaction hash generated on the source chain.
targetChainId (required)stringTarget chain identifier for the second step in the cross-chain transaction.


Requests to POST http://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/pact/api/v1/spv return the following response codes:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body includes the requested payment verification proof.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request failed. The response returns text/plain content with information about why the request failed.

If the request is successful and the command is accepted, the response returns application/json content with the following information:

spvstringBackend-specific data for continuing a cross-chain proof.

Pact commands

Pact commands in an API request consist of the following parameters:

cmd (required)stringStringified JSON payload object with signed transaction data that can't be modified.
hash (required)stringAn unpadded base64Url-encoded string created using the Blake2s-256 hash function for the cmd field value. Serves as a command request key because each transaction must be unique.
sigs (required)Array of objectsList of signatures corresponding one-to-one with the signers array in the payload.

Pact results

Pact response results consist of the following parameters:

gas (required)numberGas consumed by the transaction.
result (required)objectSuccess (object) or Failure (object).
reqKey (required)stringUnique identifier for the Pact transaction. The transaction hash is a base64Url-encoded string that consists of 43 characters from the [a-zA-Z0-9_-] character set.
logs (required)stringBackend-specific value providing image of database logs.
eventsArray of objectArray of event objects.
metaData (required)objectMetadata included with the transaction.
continuationobjectDescribes the result of a defpact execution.
txIdnumberDatabase-internal transaction tracking identifier.

Pact payloads

Pact command payloads consist of the following parameters:

payload (required)objectThe exec message object or continuation message object.
meta (required)objectPublic Chainweb metadata object or private metadata object.
signers (required)Array of objectsList of signers, corresponding with the list of signatures in the outer command.
networkId (required)stringBackend-specific identifier of the target network such as "mainnet01" or "testnet04".

Formatting API requests in YAML

Chainweb nodes expect Pact commands and transaction requests to be formatted as stringified JSON payload objects with signed transaction data. However, you can also create transaction requests using YAML files. You can create two types of transactions using the YAML API request format:

  • Single step transactions that provide the exec payload can use the execution request format.
  • Transactions that have more than one step that provide the cont payload can use the continuation request format.

Exec request format

The execution request format supports the following keys:

code: Transaction codecodeFile: Transaction code filedata: JSON transaction datadataFile: JSON transaction data filekeyPairs: list of key pairs for signing (use pact -g to generate):   [    public: base 16 public key    secret: base 16 secret key    caps:     [      optional managed capabilities    ]  ]nonce: optional request nonce, will use current time if not providednetworkId: string identifier for a blockchain networkpublicMeta:    chainId: string chain id of the chain of execution    sender: string denoting the sender of the transaction    gasLimit: integer gas limit    gasPrice: decimal gas price    ttl: integer time-to-live value    creationTime: optional integer tx execution time after offsettype: exec
code: Transaction codecodeFile: Transaction code filedata: JSON transaction datadataFile: JSON transaction data filekeyPairs: list of key pairs for signing (use pact -g to generate):   [    public: base 16 public key    secret: base 16 secret key    caps:     [      optional managed capabilities    ]  ]nonce: optional request nonce, will use current time if not providednetworkId: string identifier for a blockchain networkpublicMeta:    chainId: string chain id of the chain of execution    sender: string denoting the sender of the transaction    gasLimit: integer gas limit    gasPrice: decimal gas price    ttl: integer time-to-live value    creationTime: optional integer tx execution time after offsettype: exec

Cont request format

The execution request format supports the following keys:

pactTxHash: integer transaction id of pactstep: integer next step of a pactrollback: boolean for rollingback a pactproof: string spv proof of continuation (optional, cross-chain only)data: JSON transaction datadataFile: JSON transaction data filekeyPairs: list of key pairs for signing (use pact -g to generate):   [    public: string base 16 public key    secret: string base 16 secret key    caps:     [      optional managed capabilities    ]  ]networkId: string identifier for a blockchain networkpublicMeta:    chainId: string chain id of the chain of execution    sender: string denoting the sender of the transaction    gasLimit: integer gas limit    gasPrice: decimal gas price    ttl: integer time-to-live value    creationTime: optional integer tx execution time after offsetnonce: optional request nonce, will use current time if not providedtype: cont
pactTxHash: integer transaction id of pactstep: integer next step of a pactrollback: boolean for rollingback a pactproof: string spv proof of continuation (optional, cross-chain only)data: JSON transaction datadataFile: JSON transaction data filekeyPairs: list of key pairs for signing (use pact -g to generate):   [    public: string base 16 public key    secret: string base 16 secret key    caps:     [      optional managed capabilities    ]  ]networkId: string identifier for a blockchain networkpublicMeta:    chainId: string chain id of the chain of execution    sender: string denoting the sender of the transaction    gasLimit: integer gas limit    gasPrice: decimal gas price    ttl: integer time-to-live value    creationTime: optional integer tx execution time after offsetnonce: optional request nonce, will use current time if not providedtype: cont