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Pact command-line interpreter

Use the Pact command-line interpreter—also referred to as the Pact read–eval–print-loop (REPL) interactive shell program—to test Pact code and modules in an interactive terminal shell. The Pact command-line program also includes an HTTP server with a built-in REST API that provides commands and options for working with transactions in a simulated production environment.

Basic usage

pact [COMMAND] [option]pact [option] FILE
pact [COMMAND] [option]pact [option] FILE

Depending on the option you provide, FILE can specify the path to a .pact file to compile or a .repl file to execute. You can specify command-line options before or after the file name.


You can use the following command-line options with the pact command-line interpreter:

-h, --helpDisplays usage information for pact or for a specific command.
-v, --versionDisplays version information.
-b, --builtinsDisplays the list of Pact built-in native functions.
-g, --genkeyGenerates a random public and secret key pair with the ED25519 signature scheme.
-s, --serve config-fileStarts a built-in HTTP server with the configuration file you specify. After you start the server, you can submit API requests to Pact API endpoints to simulate submitting API requests to a Chainweb node and to create transactions for testing purposes.
-r, --findscript file-nameAttempts to execute a .repl file to for the .pact file you specify.
-t, --trace file-nameDisplays trace output for each line of code executed in the specified file.
-c, --coverage file-nameGenerates a coverage report in the coverage/ file for the file you specify.
-a, --apireq api-request-yamlFormats an API request as JSON using the api-request-yaml file you specify.
-l, --localFormats a request for the /local endpoint on the built-in HTTP server or a Chainweb node.
-u, --unsigned api-request-yamlFormats an unsigned API request as JSON using the api-request-yamlL file you specify.


You can use the following commands with the pact command-line interpreter:

add-sigAdds a signature to the signature data from standard input (stdin).
combine-sigsCombines multiple signature files.
signSigns arbitrary base64url-encoded data from standard input (stdin).

Basic examples

To display usage information for the add-sig command, you can run the following command:

pact add-sig --help
pact add-sig --help

To generate a new public and secret key pair, you can run the following command:

pact --genkey
pact --genkey

This command produces output similar to the following snippet:

public: e552972a1a4fc0249fe528dd61c38779266cbebdcb49fdb48511259c28c1013csecret: 3d08b5eba8274ab0f3e137c59e06d20ee234e40d600ac8eae8f3e89c4e24478a
public: e552972a1a4fc0249fe528dd61c38779266cbebdcb49fdb48511259c28c1013csecret: 3d08b5eba8274ab0f3e137c59e06d20ee234e40d600ac8eae8f3e89c4e24478a

To trace the output for a set of transactions defined in the election.repl file, you would run the following command:

pact --trace election.repl
pact --trace election.repl

This command produces output similar to the following snippet:

election.repl:1:0:Trace: Setting transaction dataelection.repl:11:0:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capselection.repl:17:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define principal namespaceelection.repl:18:2:Trace: Namespace defined: n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1election.repl:19:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define principal namespaceelection.repl:21:0:Trace: Begin Tx 1: Define admin-keysetelection.repl:22:2:Trace: Namespace set to n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1election.repl:23:2:Trace: Keyset definedelection.repl:24:0:Trace: Commit Tx 1: Define admin-keysetelection.repl:26:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2: Load election moduleelection.repl:27:2:Trace: Loading election.pact...election.pact:1:0:Trace: Namespace set to n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1election.pact:3:0:Trace: Loaded module n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1.election, hash t1hO-iYUQ3XWHOekZXRruuJYpSFN3ejj1TTMKfiEokoelection.pact:34:0:Trace: ["TableCreated"]election.repl:28:0:Trace: Commit Tx 2: Load election moduleLoad successful
election.repl:1:0:Trace: Setting transaction dataelection.repl:11:0:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capselection.repl:17:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define principal namespaceelection.repl:18:2:Trace: Namespace defined: n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1election.repl:19:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define principal namespaceelection.repl:21:0:Trace: Begin Tx 1: Define admin-keysetelection.repl:22:2:Trace: Namespace set to n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1election.repl:23:2:Trace: Keyset definedelection.repl:24:0:Trace: Commit Tx 1: Define admin-keysetelection.repl:26:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2: Load election moduleelection.repl:27:2:Trace: Loading election.pact...election.pact:1:0:Trace: Namespace set to n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1election.pact:3:0:Trace: Loaded module n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1.election, hash t1hO-iYUQ3XWHOekZXRruuJYpSFN3ejj1TTMKfiEokoelection.pact:34:0:Trace: ["TableCreated"]election.repl:28:0:Trace: Commit Tx 2: Load election moduleLoad successful

Work with transactions using Pact commands

You can use the Pact command-line interpreter, built-in HTTP server, and SQLite backend to sign and submit transactions and to format transactions requests so that they can be executed using curl commands or Postman API calls. The following examples illustrate how you can use the Pact built-in HTTP server, command-line options, and API calls to work with transactions in a local development environment.

Start the built-in server

To start the built-in HTTP server:

  1. Open a terminal shell on your local computer.

  2. Create a configuration file using YAML format with the following properties:

    port       - HTTP server port number.persistDir - Directory for persisting database files. If you omit this setting, the server runs in-memory only.logDir     - Directory for HTTP logs.pragmas    - SQLite pragma statement to use with persistent database files.entity     - Entity name for simulating privacy. The default is "entity".gasLimit   - Gas limit for each transaction. The default is zero (0).gasRate    - Gas price per action. The default is zero (0).flags      - Pact runtime execution flags.
    port       - HTTP server port number.persistDir - Directory for persisting database files. If you omit this setting, the server runs in-memory only.logDir     - Directory for HTTP logs.pragmas    - SQLite pragma statement to use with persistent database files.entity     - Entity name for simulating privacy. The default is "entity".gasLimit   - Gas limit for each transaction. The default is zero (0).gasRate    - Gas price per action. The default is zero (0).flags      - Pact runtime execution flags.

    For example, create a pact-config.yaml file with properties similar to the following:

    # Config file for pact http server. Launch with `pact -s config.yaml` # HTTP server portport: 8081 # directory for HTTP logslogDir: log # persistence directorypersistDir: log # SQLite pragmas for pact back-endpragmas: [] # verbose: provide log outputverbose: True
    # Config file for pact http server. Launch with `pact -s config.yaml` # HTTP server portport: 8081 # directory for HTTP logslogDir: log # persistence directorypersistDir: log # SQLite pragmas for pact back-endpragmas: [] # verbose: provide log outputverbose: True
  3. Start the built-in server by running a command similar to the following:

    pact --serve pact-config.yaml
    pact --serve pact-config.yaml

Create and submit an API request

To create an API request and submit a transaction:

  1. Open a second terminal window or tab and create an API request for a simple transaction in a YAML file.

    For example, use a text editor to create a YAML file called my-api-request.yaml with the following content:

    code: "(+ 1 2)"data:  name: Stuart  language: PactkeyPairs:  - public: ba54b224d1924dd98403f5c751abdd10de6cd81b0121800bf7bdbdcfaec7388d    secret: 8693e641ae2bbe9ea802c736f42027b03f86afe63cae315e7169c9c496c17332
    code: "(+ 1 2)"data:  name: Stuart  language: PactkeyPairs:  - public: ba54b224d1924dd98403f5c751abdd10de6cd81b0121800bf7bdbdcfaec7388d    secret: 8693e641ae2bbe9ea802c736f42027b03f86afe63cae315e7169c9c496c17332

    In this example, the transaction API request executes an addition function (+ 1 2) and identifier the request sender using the public and secret key pair. The request is defined using YAML format because the format is more readable and less error-prone than the required JSON format. However, before you can submit the request, it must be converted to the JSON format that the endpoint receiving the request expects.

  2. Format the YAML version of the API request using the Pact --apireq command-line option to generate a valid JSON API request.

    For example, run the following command to display the output before submitting the request to the built-in server:

    pact --apireq  my-api-request.yaml
    pact --apireq  my-api-request.yaml

    This command displays the formatted API request as standard output:

    {"cmds":[{"hash":"T3vt3Cuh2sdDcTS8Exck96Yht55OD0B9qp_2O8hn1Z0","sigs":[{"sig":"6f8a7fd50d2807127feefe7c9df382c6538b20aa8d62c9c10051f80201af7352f172a18be5f6a43ec2ece7fc74f951e1dd36ef18975fcb76d72bcb453396dc02"}],"cmd":"{\"networkId\":null,\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Stuart\",\"language\":\"Pact\"},\"code\":\"(+ 1 2)\"}},\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"ba54b224d1924dd98403f5c751abdd10de6cd81b0121800bf7bdbdcfaec7388d\"}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":0,\"ttl\":0,\"gasLimit\":0,\"chainId\":\"\",\"gasPrice\":0,\"sender\":\"\"},\"nonce\":\"2024-09-06 20:04:12.679143 UTC\"}"}]}
    {"cmds":[{"hash":"T3vt3Cuh2sdDcTS8Exck96Yht55OD0B9qp_2O8hn1Z0","sigs":[{"sig":"6f8a7fd50d2807127feefe7c9df382c6538b20aa8d62c9c10051f80201af7352f172a18be5f6a43ec2ece7fc74f951e1dd36ef18975fcb76d72bcb453396dc02"}],"cmd":"{\"networkId\":null,\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Stuart\",\"language\":\"Pact\"},\"code\":\"(+ 1 2)\"}},\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"ba54b224d1924dd98403f5c751abdd10de6cd81b0121800bf7bdbdcfaec7388d\"}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":0,\"ttl\":0,\"gasLimit\":0,\"chainId\":\"\",\"gasPrice\":0,\"sender\":\"\"},\"nonce\":\"2024-09-06 20:04:12.679143 UTC\"}"}]}
  3. Format the transaction using the --local command-line option to display the API request that can be submitted to the /local endpoint of the built-in HTTP server by running the following command:

    pact --apireq  my-api-request.yaml --local
    pact --apireq  my-api-request.yaml --local

    The command displays the transaction to be submitted as standard output:

    {"hash":"RRkPaHkAlAYMOgCxVtIiR20B8aEl4U4FGLNuFMbmSXg","sigs":[{"sig":"47e66eeec37991ad49b162401ab777a8dc9e872090f0a1552ee080931450891d321ab6fd3907d0aa1395d3816a74a8c08dd1be5d2871dc2398dd5d2851cbc60d"}],"cmd":"{\"networkId\":null,\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Stuart\",\"language\":\"Pact\"},\"code\":\"(+ 1 2)\"}},\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"ba54b224d1924dd98403f5c751abdd10de6cd81b0121800bf7bdbdcfaec7388d\"}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":0,\"ttl\":0,\"gasLimit\":0,\"chainId\":\"\",\"gasPrice\":0,\"sender\":\"\"},\"nonce\":\"2024-09-06 20:24:45.82271 UTC\"}"}
    {"hash":"RRkPaHkAlAYMOgCxVtIiR20B8aEl4U4FGLNuFMbmSXg","sigs":[{"sig":"47e66eeec37991ad49b162401ab777a8dc9e872090f0a1552ee080931450891d321ab6fd3907d0aa1395d3816a74a8c08dd1be5d2871dc2398dd5d2851cbc60d"}],"cmd":"{\"networkId\":null,\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"data\":{\"name\":\"Stuart\",\"language\":\"Pact\"},\"code\":\"(+ 1 2)\"}},\"signers\":[{\"pubKey\":\"ba54b224d1924dd98403f5c751abdd10de6cd81b0121800bf7bdbdcfaec7388d\"}],\"meta\":{\"creationTime\":0,\"ttl\":0,\"gasLimit\":0,\"chainId\":\"\",\"gasPrice\":0,\"sender\":\"\"},\"nonce\":\"2024-09-06 20:24:45.82271 UTC\"}"}

    Notice that, in the formatted API request output, there are several fields not defined in the original my-api-request.yaml file. In this example, the request is for a simple transaction that executes in a single step. Therefore, the transaction uses the API request template for exec transactions. The key fields not defined in the original my-api-request.yaml file are populated as part of the formatting of the request. More complex transactions that require execution of more than one step use the API request template for cont transactions. For information about the required and optional fields for in the exec and cont API request templates, see .

  4. Send the API request to the Pact built-in HTTP server running on port 8081—as configured in the pact-config.yaml file for this example—by running the following command:

    pact --apireq my-api-request.yaml --local | curl --json @- http://localhost:8081/api/v1/local
    pact --apireq my-api-request.yaml --local | curl --json @- http://localhost:8081/api/v1/local

    This command returns the transaction result with output similar to the following:


Pact HTTP server API endpoints

In the previous example, you saw how to submit an API request to the /local endpoint exposed by the built-in HTTP server. The Pact built-in HTTP server supports the following API endpoints:

/listenListen for the result of a single transaction. The request body must contain the request key for the transaction. Requests sent to the /listen endpoint block operations waiting for the transaction result.
/localSubmit a command to simulate the execution of a transaction. Requests sent to the /local endpoint don't change the blockchain state. Any database writes or changes to the environment are rolled back. The request body must contain a properly-formatted Pact command. In response to the request, the endpoint returns command result and hash.
/pollPoll for the results of one or more transactions. The request body must contain one or more request keys. Requests sent to the /poll endpoint don't block operations waiting for the transaction result. In response to the request, the endpoint returns the poll result for each request key.
/sendSend one or more commands to the local HTTP server to be executed. The request body must contain properly-formatted Pact commands. In response to the request, the endpoint returns the request key for each transaction sent.
/verifyVerify a transaction request is properly formatted. The request body contains the transaction to analyze. In response to the request, the endpoint returns the result from analyzing the transaction.

To send a sample transaction to the Pact built-in HTTP server, you can run a command similar to the following:

pact --apireq test-yaml.yaml | curl --json @- http://localhost:8081/api/v1/send
pact --apireq test-yaml.yaml | curl --json @- http://localhost:8081/api/v1/send

The command returns the request key for the transaction:


To poll for the results of a transaction, you can run a command similar to the following:

curl -L http://localhost:8081/api/v1/poll -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --json '{"requestKeys": ["rXOJyLWXQAQqMaHP-oIN1GDsKqwwzv-thqY-NZzmtYo"]}'  
curl -L http://localhost:8081/api/v1/poll -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --json '{"requestKeys": ["rXOJyLWXQAQqMaHP-oIN1GDsKqwwzv-thqY-NZzmtYo"]}'  

In this example, the transaction is complete and the request returns the following response:
